Black Hawaiian Ram Hunting in Kansas
Fast Facts about the Black Hawaiian
Category: Exotic
Season: Year-Round
Color: Black, faded black
Horn: Continually-growing, corkscrew
Size: Up to 160 lbs.
Price: Click here for pricing information.

Black Hawaiian Ram Hunting Information
With no seasonal hunting restrictions on the Black Hawaiian Ram, you can take aim at one any time of the year during your guided hunt at Kansas Trophy Outfitters. We provide you the option to spot and stock your ram, or hunt from a blind.
Some people claim the Black Hawaiian Ram originated in Texas, while others say that they’re definitely crossed between the Mouflon and a black-haired sheet from the Hawaiian islands. Still others believe they’re derived from the Barbados Black Belly. Regardless, it’s safe to assume they’re probably a cross between the Mouflon and some kind of domestic sheep.
A member of the Corsican ram family, Black Hawaiian Rams have a thick, black coat, which can appear brown when faded in the sun, and a white muzzle. Their black horns grow in a corkscrew shape, more than 40 inches in length – much larger than the Mouflon. Black Hawaiian Rams can weigh up to about 160 pounds. Their horns alone can top out at 30 pounds.
This hair-sheep breed tends to be wild and flighty, so always be ready for one to wander into your sights.
Interested in hunting a Black Hawaiian Ram in Kansas? Give us a call today at (785) 207-0212!