Texas Dall Hunting in Kansas
Fast Facts about the Texas Dall
Category: Exotic
Season: Year-Round
Color: White
Horn: 28 to 38 in.
Size: Up to 160 lbs.
Price: Click here for pricing information.

Texas Dall Hunting Information
The Texas Dall is no relation to the Alaskan Dall. Originating in Texas, this sheep breed is actually a hybrid of Rambouillet rams and Mouflon ewes, first produced in the 1900s at YO Ranch.
Although they are mostly white, the Texas Dall can range in color from white to a rich beige color. Some may have fawn-colored spots. Expect rams to weigh up to 160 pounds.
Texas Dall rams are a breed of Corsican sheep. Their colorless, continually-growing horns – up to 38 inches long – make them easy to spot in our hunting reserve and make for eye-catching trophies in your collection.
Ready to book a Texas Dall ram hunt in Kansas? Give us a call today at (785) 207-0212!